Harfest! at the Hub

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What a privilege to be invited along to Seaford Environmental Alliance’s Harfest at the Hub.

There was plenty going on, tours of the garden (and a new “secret” garden!), craft activities for children, pumpkin soup and cakes for everyone, chutney tasting and apple wild bird feeder making!

On the Verge were giving away a variety of seeds including wildflower seeds to plant in the Autumn and yellow rattle to plant in an existing meadow. This plant weakens the grass so there is more space for a diverse species of wild flowers to grow. Wildflower seeds included poppy, corncockle, corn marigold, scarlet pimpernel and field pansy.

The most popular seeds however were edible flowers, with most of these being happily snapped up!

More and more people are growing their own food. Partly due to the cost of living crisis, but also as people try and reduce the carbon footprint of their food. So much food travels many miles to reach us, often then for a lot of it to be wasted. Not much was being wasted today, as people came in and out to drop off or collect surplus food from the Hub’s community larder.

If you are interested in growing food, do pop into the Hub and ask about their Seeds to Supper scheme which can provide free seeds and other supplies to start you off. There was a fine display of produce grown this year!

Many thanks to SEA for hosting, Dinah for setting up the display and putting all the seeds in envelopes with growing instructions. Thanks too to everyone who came along to see us.

Seeds were funded through a grant from Ouse Valley Climate Action fund. If you would like to find out more about On the Verge or help at future events, do get in touch.

On the Verge

  • ontheverge@renaturingseaford.org