Common Sorrel (Rumex acetosa)
Common sorrel Common name : Common sorrel Latin name : Rumex acetosa A member of the Dock family (Brassicaceae) "Common sorrel is a common plant of grasslands, woodland edges, roadside…
Common sorrel Common name : Common sorrel Latin name : Rumex acetosa A member of the Dock family (Brassicaceae) "Common sorrel is a common plant of grasslands, woodland edges, roadside…
Shepherd's-purse Common name : Shepherd's-purse Latin name : Capsella bursa-pastoris A member of the Cabbage family (Brassicaceae) "Shepherd's purse is often considered a 'weed'. It produces a lot of seeds…
Selfheal Common name : Selfheal Latin name : Prunell vulgaris A member of the Dead-nettle family (Lamiaceae) "Selfheal is a low-growing, creeping plant that likes the short turf of grasslands,…
Ground-ivy Common name : Ground ivy Latin name : Glechoma hederacea A member of the Dead-nettle family (Lamiaceae) "Despite its name, Ground-ivy is actually a member of the dead-nettle family.…