Event bookings
Events from member groups can be listed below! Please use the website form to send details through SNHS and On the Verge present "The Wonderful Wildlife of Seaford" by Michael…
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Events from member groups can be listed below! Please use the website form to send details through SNHS and On the Verge present "The Wonderful Wildlife of Seaford" by Michael…
Seaford Natural History Society (SNHS)and On the Verge are delighted to present a series of walks and talks in 2024 The events are run in partnership, open to all, and…
Greenhavens had a fantastic year getting out, meeting community, delivering Wilder Garden training and getting to know local groups. We held four Network Meetings where we heard from OVCA Project…
For the second year, On the Verge have been out and about at New Year counting wildflowers in bloomThe results form part of a brilliant citizen science project from BSBI…