Oxeye daisy
Ox eye daisy Common name : Oxeye Daisy Latin name : Leucanthemum vulgare Another member of the Daisy family (Asteraceae) This is very similar to common daisies but much taller…
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Ox eye daisy Common name : Oxeye Daisy Latin name : Leucanthemum vulgare Another member of the Daisy family (Asteraceae) This is very similar to common daisies but much taller…
Red clover Common name : Red clover Latin name : Trifloium pratense. Common member of the Pea family (Asteraceae) "The nectar-rich flowers of red clover are a favourite of many…
Dandelion! Sunshine plant! Common name : Dandelion Latin name : Taraxacum species. There are hundreds of very similar species of dandelion, only distinguished by expert botanists! Common member of the…
Daisy Daisy.. give me your answer do! Common name : Daisy Latin name : Bellis Perennis The best known member of the Daisy family (Asteraceae) Most people know what a…