Four cabbages and two campions.
Ever stopped to notice those little white flowers in the pavement edges? Brian helps with identification of these small but fascinating plants! A - This is the Danish Scurvygrass -…
Ever stopped to notice those little white flowers in the pavement edges? Brian helps with identification of these small but fascinating plants! A - This is the Danish Scurvygrass -…
Perennial Sow-thistle Common name : Perennial sow-thistle Latin name : Sonchus palustris A common member of the Daisy family (Asteraceae) The bright and cheery flowers resemble tall and slightly raggedy…
Bristly oxtongue Common name : Bristly oxtongue Latin name : Picris hieracioides A very common member of the Daisy family (Asteraceae) The bright and cheery flowers resemble dandelions, but there…
It's nearly May - and that means one thing - putting that mower away. (Put your feet up and enjoy the sunshine instead!) Every year Plantlife run the "No…