Cliff Gardens update – Notice of road closure to motorized vehicles
On 11 October 2023 at a Lewes District Council planning meeting, planners stated that having considered the merits of the case and considered letters of support (31) and objection (22), they were minded to approve the Cliff Gardens Project application. After lengthy discussion with public representations and councillors, the project was unanimously approved. In particular they commended us for the educational and biodiversity aims of the project, for carrying through a community initiative and for the careful planning and in-depth advice sought by the team.
Details of the meeting can be watched here
LW/22/0796 1:26:26 to 1:57:22 (ie 30+mins of details of the project addressing a lot of the inaccuracies put forward on FaceBook entries over the months)
It was stated clearly at the meeting that LDC would be charged with applying to the Secretary of State for a road closure to motorized vehicles (Extinguishment of Vehicular Rights Order).
This has now been done and on Mar 8 2024, notices were put up on site informing the public and giving reference to the Order below.
The following was published in the London Gazette on 8 March: Town and Country Planning
THE SECRETARY OF STATE hereby gives notice of the proposal to make an Order under section 249 of the above Act to authorise the extinguishment of vehicular rights along a length of Cliff Gardens at Seaford in the District of Lewes.
COPIES OF THE DRAFT ORDER AND RELEVANT PLAN may be inspected during normal opening hours at Lewes District Council, 6 High Street, Lewes, BN7 2AD in the 28 days commencing on 08 March 2024 and may be obtained free of charge, from the Secretary of State (quoting reference NATTRAN/SE/S249/5651) at the address stated below.
ANY PERSON MAY OBJECT to the making of the proposed order by stating their reasons in writing to the Secretary of State at National Transport Casework Team, Tyneside House, Skinnerburn Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7AR, quoting the above reference. Objections should be received by midnight on 05 April 2024. You are advised that your personal data and correspondence will be passed to the applicant/agent to enable your objection to be considered. If you do not wish your personal data to be forwarded, please state your reasons when submitting your objection.
S Zamenzadeh, Casework Manager
(Also announced as above in SussexWorld)
The casework team will consider both supporting comments and objections in relation to the removal of these rights of way and they are taken into consideration when the Secretary of State issues his decision. (and not as stated on FaceBook that supporters do not need to comment!)
Public involvement and consultation: during the last three years, we have kept the community informed of our actions by:
- regular articles in Seaford Scene describing our plans and inviting volunteers
- We have held public meetings where we described the project and invited discussion
- a door-to-door mailshot of the upcoming planning application announcing a public meeting to describe the plans, put posters on lamp posts and other locations
- Our activities are described on our website and an extensive Q&A has been posted on the Renaturing Seaford website where the editor selected questions and we answered them
- We made a short ZOOM video for Primary Schools describing the project (during COVID…)
- meetings with stakeholders, STC officers, new councillors, individuals
- Social media: we have had limited contact and representation on Seaford Residents’ Voice and other Facebook sites. It is here where one particularly vocal individual has continued to object to our activities and spread incorrect information despite in depth conversations with her and a 2-hour one-to-one discussion with her on site
- Discussion with land owners Seaford Town Council who have supported our project and this planning application
During this planning period we have had support from:
- Our funders: the National Lottery Climate Action fund applied to on our behalf by South Downs National Park, Lewes District Council Community Infrastructure Levy and UK Shared Prosperity Fund. We are fully funded bringing new money to the community.
- The immediate neighbourhood of Cliff Close who initiated this project, partly to prevent the summerlong parking of caravans and travellers on the site with its associated noise and public nuisance
- Seaford Head School whose students helped us plant the native hedgerow in the adjacent Pump Field. They have also offered to help us with the design of the information boards and QR codes to link to their school syllabuses
- Seaford Scouts and Seaford Youth Forum
- Renaturing Seaford/On the Verge groups who have publicized our progress on their websites
- ESCC Highways confirmed during the planning process that they had no objection to the proposal and have since provided a plan of the suggested signage necessary.
- STC wrote in as landowner during the planning process confirming their support for the project
- The South Downs National Park led 10 Partners in securing funding of £2 million from the National Lottery and showed their support for the Cliff Gardens project by including funds for the project. They have also agreed the planting plans for the garden. Consequently, implementation of the Cliff Gardens project is overseen by the South Downs National Park led Project Board.
- SUSTRANS have advised us and supported our improvement of the Avenue Verte cycling route
- And the many individuals who wrote in with support for the project
Hilary Miflin
Team member, Cliff Gardens Project