The Walmer Road Recreation Ground offers a brilliant location for planting a community orchard with 16 trees to provide habitat havens for wildlife and access to fresh fruit for local residents. Join other volunteers and support Friends of Walmer Road Rec Committee to get involved with planting and caring for fruit trees across the area.
This project is being delivered in partnership with Lewes District council.
Task for the session is to plant trees: digging holes, putting in posts, providing supports & protection. The session will be led by experts who can explain the permaculture approach to tree planting and ensure trees are planted in a way that they are most likely to thrive.
The work is very physical and includes digging holes with spades and using post drivers. A mechanised auger may be used by the leaders, and this can be noisy.
Address/ Meeting Point
Walmer Rec: Walmer Road, BN25 3SR – meet by the old clubhouse.
Walmer Rec: Walmer Road, BN25 3SR – meet by the old clubhouse.
Please Come Prepared for Physical Work
• Food and drink to sustain you for the session (packed lunch, snacks, flasks, water etc). Tea coffee and biscuits will also be available at the local church hall.
• Appropriate dress for the weather (warm layers & woolly hat / waterproofs & wellies)
• Sturdy gloves (we can provide these if you don’t have any), footwear (suitable for digging – ideally not wellies) and work gear to protect against weeds that sting, scratch and have nasty sap. It’s a jungle out there.
If you would like to come along please can you sign up using the Brighton Permaculture Trust links below for which ever day you can help out:
Wednesday 29th January:…
Wednesday 5th February:…