For the Greenhaven’s Network, 2024 has been a year of meaningful collaboration, rekindling of alliances, forging of new connections and welcoming new members.
As we approach the end of the year just like the natural world some aspects of activity slow down and time for reflection arises. How has 2024 been for you? Much to be sorrowful on an environmental and humanitarian level but also maybe much to be thankful and hopeful for locally.
For the Greenhaven’s Network 2024 has been a year of meaningful collaboration, rekindling of alliances, forging of new connections and welcoming new members. As the environmental scene the Havens and Lewes evolves to meet the challenges of climate change, more hubs and groups arise than ever before there is reason to feel hope and energised through cooperative endeavours.
A year of localised action in the form seed swaps at Friends of Bishopstone Station, Peverell’s Community Garden, SEA Hub and Seaford Sustainability Fair. Further Froglife amphibian and reptile training for families in March and September in Newhaven. May saw the blossom walks at Peacehaven Community Orchard and a wonderful Presentation from Weald to Waves Team at the Greenhaven’s AGM and creation of a new connection. Greenhaven’s attended the Love Our Ouse River Festival in Newhaven and Newhaven Fish Festival.
We supported events in Peacehaven with wonderful Wilder at Peacehaven Community Garden creating enthusiasm and action for pollinators by making wildflower seed bombs to take home and with Froglife we created a mini pond and hibernaculum for the overwintering of amphibians and reptiles. A huge thank you to Peacehaven Wilder Garden Champion, Cathy, for organising and securing funding to deliver and help people install mini ponds at home!
Greenhaven’s were able to provide Butterfly identification training with Dr Dan Danahar again this year at Castle Hill, Newhaven and the Community Orchard, Peacehaven. In October Martin Allison led the fungi identification walk at Castle hill counting 30+ species despite the overly wet conditions. We also had the pleasure of visiting one of the ‘wilder gardens’ in Seaford three years after meadow management implemented to find phenomenal butterfly habitat, well done Wendy! Not only did the garden look fabulous but Wendy reported the butterfly numbers had doubled in her garden since she had been managing for butterflies by cutting and collecting in September/October time.
This year the Greenhaven’s Team have responded to requests from community group leaders for support and a space to discuss challenges, successes and ideas on top of the network meetings. Thus, we have arranged informal meet ups for people to drop-in and have a cup of tea and share how things are going with the groups, and we are exploring the impact of this way of working.
As the evenings darken, we will be planning 2025 and thinking about the future of the Greenhaven’s Network and what the next steps are needed to support the groups and Wilder Garden Champions delivering fantastic outcomes for biodiversity, wellbeing and food security. Wishing you and yours a restful and ‘green’ festive season.
Best wishes from Jessie and the Greenhaven’s Team
Please note there are some temporary issues with the Greenhavens mailing list and website. However you can contact Greenhavens Co-ordinators here: