Don’t walk on by!
It’s easy to ignore grass but please don’t just walk on by.
Campaigns like no-mow May and bio-diversity enhancing verge management by councils are helping many different species of grass to prosper in our local neighbourhoods.
It’s flowering season for grasses and many have quite spectacular flowers (like the false oat grass pictured above, complete with spider web threads!).
So, next time you are out for a walk, take a magnifying glass, pause by the grasses, and take a look at the amazing micro-world of grass flowers.
James from Cradle Hill
Thanks James, there are indeed some amazing grasses about at the moment!
Do let us know what you have spotted!
In the recent bioblitz in the Pump field, sightings included:
Cock’s foot | Dactylus glomerata |
Couch grass | Elymus repens |
Rough meadow-grass | Poa trivialis |
Sheep’s fescue | Festuca ovina |
Smooth meadow-grass | Poa pratensis |
Soft brome | Bromus hordeaceous |
Yorkshire fog | Holcus lanatus |
False-fox sedge | Carex flacca |