Working together to renature Seaford
The UK’s wildlife is in decline with many types of plants, insects, birds and animals reduced in number as they struggle to cope with habitat loss, pollution and climate change.
Seaford Action For Nature raises awareness of the need to increase biodiversity in Seaford and supports our communities in taking practical steps to achieve an increase in the biodiversity of Seaford.
How does “Seaford Action for Nature” make a difference?
- We’re helping Seaford schools create meadows, orchards and hedgerows.
- We’re supporting the Town Council to create meadows in our parks.
- Our Green Champions are monitoring our green spaces for increased biodiversity and planning to map this data on a new website.
- We’re encouraging people to help wildlife in their gardens.
- We’re talking to people about the biodiversity crisis.
- We host and manage the Renaturing Seaford website
Working in partnership
We’re working with Seaford Town Council to help their aim to find the right balance between promoting wildlife, wildflowers and keeping the town’s verges tidy and attractive.
We’ll keep talking to councillors to improve biodiversity in our green spaces to improve them for people and wildlife.
We’re running events in partnership with other groups, for example talks, walks and community events where we talk to people about wildlife and biodiversity
How can you get involved?
- Join our friendly community group: everyone is welcome – you don’t need to have any special skills! At the moment, we’re particularly looking for people to help with communications, schools and community events.
- If you live near a green space, you could join other volunteers keeping an eye out and monitoring its value to wildlife.
- Join our mailing list to find out more about what’s happening in Seaford, including regular events and meet ups.
- Adopt or improve your own garden for wildlife, which helps join up green corridors for wildlife across the town. Check out our “Metre Square for Wildlife” page
- Share your stories and photographs to inspire others, and help us record our renaturing journey
Why the name change from “On the Verge”?
Although our group do work with the council on improving biodiversity, our group is not all about grass verges but has a wider scope to increase biodiversity in all habitats. The name did confuse some people and we wanted instead to put “Nature” to the forefront and into our name!
They say actions speak louder than words, and our plan is to lead by example, by getting outside, taking positive Action and learning about the wonder of Nature, side by side with people in our town. We understand that our green spaces are important for people too, and we work in partnership with lots of groups and people in the town.
If you want to take positive Action for Nature in Seaford too, do join our friendly and supportive group!
See below for some of the ACTIONS we have been taking!
Contact us using the contact button on this website or by email at
Join our monthly newsletter mailing list here!