Seaford CARES project is coordinated by Seaford Community Partnership
The CARES Project vision is for “An engaged, knowledgeable Community, where residents and decision-makers understand the threats posed by the climate and
ecological emergency and are actively collaborating to reduce their carbon
footprint and build personal and ecological resilience”.
The Vision…
C limate
A ction;
R esilient
E cosystems;
S ustainability.
The scheme is to create a green corridor all the way from
the South Downs National Park to our east and north, all the way through the
Tide Mills area to the Ouse Valley Nature Reserve in the West.
It needs landowners to join in. It needs Seaford’s green
spaces to be cared for by groups. It needs people to help “green” specific
areas. It needs people to care for hedges, trees, small spaces. It needs
persuasion and encouragement by people of other people to leave their car, and
to cycle or walk.
Six projects are going to create the Vision –
A combined Ouse Valley and Tidemills Nature Reserve. (find
out more here)
Setting up “Friends” for each Local Green Space in the
Seaford Neighbourhood Plan. (find out more here)
Cliff Gardens and Pump Field Educational Garden at the
eastern end of the Promenade. (find out more here)
More trees to be planted to improve environment and
attractiveness. Find out more about Trees for Seaford here
Establish hedges, wild flower patches, mini-meadows and
ecological verges throughout the town. Find out more about On the Verge here
To encourage walking and cycling, for transport, recreation and exercise, and reduce the number of short car journeys in the Seaford area. Find out more about these initiatives by Seaford Community Partnership here
Click here for details of the Seaford walks on offer so far

other CARES projects and news