Good news for the verges!
The town council was getting a lot of complaints about verges, either because they were becoming untidy and unsafe, or because the twice a year cutting regime was favouring grass and not allowing flowering plants to bloom.
On the Verge are therefore very glad to hear that the council has taken the cutting responsibility back from ESCC and is willing to work with a local partner to find the right balance between wildlife and tidiness!
The full press release is below.
SEAFORD, 11th March 2024 – Initially for two years, Seaford Town Council is looking for a contractor who will work with it as a partner while it finds the right balance between promoting wildlife, wildflowers and keeping the town’s verges tidy and attractive.
This contract has been taken over by Seaford Town Council from East Sussex County Council, following the feedback received in the Town Council’s public consultation at the end of 2023. The contract is for urban grass verge maintenance in Seaford and is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Seaford Town Council now seeks a contractor to carry out all aspects of verge maintenance work at a variety of locations around the town (please visit and zoom in to see the verges in the scope).
If you are a sole trader/micro-business, or a small or medium enterprise, the Town Council understands that tenders like this can feel like a lot of work, but please be assured that the Town Council’s approach to tendering is about dialogue, and the Town Council aims to operate transparently; therefore you are invited to raise questions throughout the tendering process, so that the Town Council can reflect and improve.
Tendering documents can be found at: and questions can be addressed to