Seaford primary school children have been busy planting bright bulbs for next spring, with the support of On the Verge volunteers. It’s been quite a case of dodging the worst weather. Seaford Primary Year – Year 1 classes were treated to a heavy shower as they finished, while Annecy School after school gardening group dug frantically to get their bulbs in as Storm Ciaran approached. Cradlehill Forest School, used to getting muddy, continued planting cheerfully through a very heavy downpour. Luckily, Chyngton 1 classes benefitted from more benign weather conditions.
It was heartening to see the level of environmental awareness among the children – they knew exactly which creatures the flowering bulbs would benefit early next spring and welcomed the presence of plenty of worms as indicating healthy soil. Several also spotted woodlice rolling themselves into tight balls! The art of working out which way to plant the bulbs was also mastered (hairy side down, pointy side up!) and then crumbling the soil gently over them, “like putting a baby to bed”.
Approximately 130 bulbs were planted at each school and included Crocus, Camassia, Grape Hyacinth and mixed Alliums, all pollinator-friendly bulbs chosen for a spread of flowering times, colours and variety of heights. Look out for a lovely display from February through to May! Thanks to everyone who gave their time and effort to help make this happen and to the Ouse Vally Climate Lottery who helps to fund On the Verge activities!