Trees for Seaford – Seaford Scene – January 2025

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Seaford Winter Tree Planting Event

It’s been a very busy few weeks!  All the team at Trees for Seaford are delighted to have planted well over 75% of the planned street and parkland trees by the early December. The remainder are due to go into the ground after Christmas when Cradle Hill and Tower House Schools and the Peverells will receive their fruit trees.

Trees for Seaford have collaborated with East Sussex County Council and Balfour Beatty volunteers to put in 120 trees in Seaford under a scheme called the Urban Tree Challenge Fund. Close planning and liaison, a good sense of humour, a “can do” attitude and flexibility have resulted in a great outcome. The main sites include Crouch Gardens (where we also caged the trees), Stirling Avenue, Kingston Close, Bowden Rise, Valley Drive, Cuckmere Road East with Barcombe and Findon Closes. By the time you read this, Beacon Road will also have been planted.


Thank you all

We would like to thank the lead residents and neighbours (Geoff, Ben, Dawn, Christine, Steve and John, among others) who have helped with leafletting and planning, hosting tree and woodchip deliveries, making water available and fuelling the workers with edible goodies.  Particular thanks go to Anne at Bowden Rise for a lunchtime feast and to the Seaford Community Garden baker for the wonderful cake. The supportive and positive feedback received from many passersby was also much appreciated!                     

Thanks are also due to Callum and the Balfour Beatty workers, to the helpful KPS contractors, ESCC officers Ginny and Andy, Seaford Community Garden, to the GIA apprentices and of course, to all our regular volunteers. The weather gods also smiled on us, with dry and calm weather on all the planting days – and a good rainfall afterwards.


Looking forward to 2025

With all the extra trees, there will now be even more opportunities to get involved with “TLC” sessions throughout the year, so it would be great to get some new volunteers on board. No previous knowledge needed, as necessary training and supervision are given. Come and join the crew. There are lots of roles which don’t involve heavy work! If you are interested or want to ask questions, please contact us via Facebook or email below

And  a big welcome to recent recruits Eric, Carol and Max.


Wishing you all a pleasant Christmas break and a Happy New Year!


