Volunteer tree diggers needed!

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Writing this during yet another unseasonally warm October, its hard to envisage that the leaves will soon be gone and we may be needing to pile on hats and coats before too long – and by the time you read this, we’ll only be four weeks away from National Tree Planting Week at the end of November. The 28th and 29th November are the target dates, unless bad weather causes delays.

Well, the trees are ordered and most of our arrangements are in place – but we could really do with some more volunteers – especially diggers! And we mean human ones! And lots of other tasks need helpers as well – putting in stakes and tying in the new trees, spreading woodchip, keeping the workers provisioned, fetching and carrying, planting bulbs… Some of the residents in the areas we will be planting will be pitching in, but if you fancy joining us to help out, we’d love to hear from you. 

The work is all within Seaford and starts around 10am. A safety briefing and tools are provided, as well as glamorous HiVis apparel (as in our featured photo) and refreshments while you work! A retreat afterwards to a watering hole for recuperation usually rounds off the planting session!  What do you get out of it? Well, some exercise in the fresh air and feeling good about doing something useful for the planet, but it also a great opportunity for laughter and meeting new people! Of course, you don’t need to wait till the main tree planting date; we’d be delighted to have you join us beforehand at one of our twice monthly tree care sessions. Do get in touch via our email or Facebook

Email: treesforseaford@gmail.com

Website: treesforseaford.wordpress.com

FB: facebook.com./treesforseaford