Wildflower index – common name

You are currently viewing Wildflower index – common name

We are gradually adding details of wildflowers in Seaford.

Find out more about these plants below and where to see them! (or use the search button to find them)


Bird’s foot trefoil

Black medick

Bulbous buttercup

Cat’s ear

Common centaury

Common Knapweed

Common mallow

Common mouse ear

Common poppy

Common sorrel

Common stork’s bill



Dove’s foot cranesbill

Field bindweed

Field madder

Ground ivy

Lady’s bedstraw

Lesser Stitchwort

Pyramidal orchid

Red clover

Red dead-nettle


Scarlet pimpernel

Self heal

Shepherd’s purse

White clover


Yellow rattle

How to help

Please get in touch if you are able to help with our plant surveys or regular observations. These are mostly in town centre green spaces. We welcome botanists of all ages and abilities!
May 2024 wildflower challenge
Pump field flowers
Martello fields
The "Covers"
The Crouch
Sandore road