On the Verge are delighted to welcome Michael Blencowe to Seaford to talk about the wonderful wildlife of Seaford
Michael Blencowe is a local naturalist, author and wildlife guide
Ever since he was knee-high to a Speckled Bush-cricket Michael has been passionate about wildlife and conservation. His childhood was immersed in the Devon countryside, spending wild weekends clambering around rockpools and hiking the coastal cliff paths of the South Hams or wandering between the tors of Dartmoor in search of Ring Ouzels and Dippers.
Since moving to Sussex he has gained almost twenty years’ experience of the amazing diversity of wildlife and habitats found in this county. Through his pioneering work co-ordinating a five year survey of the county’s butterflies for ‘The Butterflies of Sussex’ book he has unique insight into the best wildlife sites in Sussex.
Michael has worked for a number of wildlife conservation organisations where he has helped thousands of people to explore, understand, appreciate and celebrate their amazing wildlife heritage.
SNHS and On the Verge are passionate about protecting wildlife and wildlife habitats in Seaford. Increasing biodiversity is a critical part of tackling the climate emergency heading to our way.
Last year we had a brilliant speaker, young botanist and author Leif Bersweden talking in Seaford. Since then he has appeared on Springwatch. We are committed to bringing quality speakers to Seaford, and to running a programme of inclusive events at weekends in 2024.
Details of all events will appear on the Renaturing Seaford website, so please subscribe to the mailing list on the site to hear about future events.
Thanks to funding from Ouse Valley Climate Action fund, we have been able to take our talks to a wider audience and to subsidise the cost of this event. We would encourage you to book your place as soon as possible. Please tell your friends and neighbours too, and let us know if you can help by putting up posters.
We want our talks to be accessible to all, so if the cost would be a barrier, please get in touch as we will have some fully funded places available. We particularly encourage younger people and the talk is suitable for accompanied children over 10.
27 January 2024 at 2pm
Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road, Seaford BN25 2EE
(there are various function rooms so please look out for the signs/our volunteers when you get there)
We encourage you to come on foot or by public transport. The nearest bus stop is Belgrave Road and Seaford station is less than 10 minute walk away. There is limited parking at the venue.
There is no need to print your ticket, we will have your name on a list at the door. Online ticket booking will close the evening before, and there may be further tickets on the door depending on availability. We also welcome donations, which will be put towards future events.
Before the talk there will be time to network with local organisations working to encourage wildlife in Seaford
The Eventbrite ticket link is here