
You are currently viewing Gardens

If you are lucky enough to have a garden, you will know what a pleasure it can be!

A refuge from the world, a place of colour and scent.

Perhaps you grow prize winning blooms, or a harvest of fresh home
grown fruit and vegetables? Even a small balcony can have space for a few pots and be a place to sit and escape, or watch the world go by.

Our gardens and outdoor spaces can also be a precious source of food, water and shelter for wildlife. To find out more about how to encourage wildlife, check out the following great resources:

Coming soon from On the Verge – a new mapping project to record all see the wildlife corridors appearing in our town.

Each year Seaford participates in various Open gardens events, which is a great way to see some beautiful gardens, and get inspiration for your own spaces. The salt and wind in Seaford are a challenge for plants, so it’s always fascinating to see what plants are thriving

These include the stunning Driftwood garden in Bishopstone which Monty Don called “a small garden by the sea with inspiring planting and design” Aideen and Denis also open up the beautiful Cupani Garden in Seaford and sell plants, and teas to raise money for local charities.

Our public gardens also give people a place to sit and enjoy the flowers, bees and butterflies or perhaps get chatting to other people.

In Seaford check out the following gardens:

Seaford Peace Garden, at the Crouch is an oasis of calm and beauty, created in partnership with Seaford Quakers. There is always something interesting in bloom, and if you sit a while, it’s likely you will spot wildlife including insects and birds.

Seaford’s longest established Community Garden is next to the Peace Garden. Within a welcoming walled garden, the volunteeers grow ornamental plants and vegetables, and sell plants and produce. The garden is as much about community as it is about gardening. It’s open on Wednesday mornings, all year round.

On the seaside opposite the brightly coloured beach hut shops, is The Beach garden. From a patch of unloved ground between Green Lane and the seafront, volunteers created, and continue to care for, a garden planted with a wide variety of sea-salt resistant flora. Colourful benches offer space to sit and chat, or sit and think, sheltered from the wind.

This year the flower beds outside Morrisons have been full of edible flowers, herbs and vegetables, which can be harvested by the community as they walk past. What a wonderful way to show people what you can grow in a small space. Find out more about the Incredible Edible project.

New community gardens are also planned at Cliff Gardens, the Peverells, and at Sutton Downs. Watch this space to find out more!

Search the site for more news about gardens here

 Vacancy – We are looking for an editor for the content on this theme page, please get in touch if you are interested in checking this page and helping to promote gardens in Seaford.

Making space for wildlife
Seaford Community Garden
Beach garden
Incredible Edible beds outside Morrisons
Crouch gardens
Peverells garden